Puerto Rico's libraries, archives and museums road to recovery: A timeline of events after Hurricane Maria

May 2018

May was an intensive month for professional development and spreading the word of the diverse initiatives that had taken place for the last eight months. The Heritage Emergency Response Alliance (HERA) presented the webinar "Picking Up the Pieces: Helping Puerto Rican Cultural Heritage Organizations After Hurricanes Irma and Maria", and the National Archives Assembly and Preservation Programs presented “Mission Possible: Emergency Response for Cultural Heritage Institutions in Puerto Rico.” Both covered what they discovered and the work performed to aid the recovery process on the Island.
A few more articles were published and a master thesis by Aziria D. Rodríguez submitted to the Department of Comparative Media Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology includes a whole chapter about memes related to Hurricane Maria. Also, a group of graduate students (future librarians and archivists) had the opportunity to practice rescuing affected collections after a catastrophic event as part of their preservation course training.


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