Our World With and For the Future

Project Overview

This digital anthology of green literature and literary criticism was produced in Spring 2016 by students at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio for the course English 205: Literature and the Moral Imagination.

Literature and the Moral Imagination is part of Xavier’s Core Curriculum.  Individual sections of the course have different themes; the focus for this section is, “Can Books Save the Earth?”  Click here to learn moreClick here to view work by another section of “Can Books Save the Earth?”  To navigate this book, mouse over the list icon in the top left-hand corner of your screen.

A special thanks goes to Xavier University Library and its support for this project.  Students in “Can Books Save the Earth?” were assisted by Alison Morgan, Xavier Library’s Assistant Director for Access Services for and Christian Sheehy, Xavier Library’s Digital Initiatives Librarian.

-Dr. Lisa Ottum
Assistant Professor of English, Xavier University

Continue to Editor's Introduction and Anthology Contents

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