Makoko 2035: An Encyclopedia

Water Pipes

Even before our concrete separation and increased tensions with Lagos, Lagos never officially built a water supply for us. The rest of the city is slowly being serviced with potable water by the banks, whose currency is determined by water distributed.

Naturally, and also because of the tensions between Makoko and Lagos, Makoko remains unserviced. Further, in Lagos' AR device which indicates plans for servicing citizens in the future, Makoko is, and has always been, a red zone -  indicating that there is no plan to service the citizens with water in the near future.

The aerial water pipes in this picture are a representation of the pipes that pass over Makoko with no connections to Makoko. Every now and then the pipes are sacked, and military force is used to disperse the population and allow the corporation to fix them.

Since banks balance their accounts and back their money with water serviced to the population rather than water held in storage, at times banks come up with a surplus or deficit at the end of each day. The pipes running over the slums are inter-bank pipes that allow the piping of water back and forth throughout the month as needed in order to maintain an accurate balance financially.

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