Makoko 2035: An Encyclopedia

Luxury Combs

Long, voluptuous, puffy hair is now seen as a thing of the past. With the wealthy sporting very short hair or a beard as a status symbol, the less wealthy in Lagos often typically shave all their body hair to avoid wasting water. As such, within Lagos the comb has become an item of great luxury. Gold and platinum materials and sheik designs can be found displayed on the purses of the rich and famous even at very exclusive parties and events. Makoko at first was very separate from many of these trends, although several figures in the community to wear and promote a short hair lifestyle. In the year 2027, craftspeople in Makoko entered the luxury comb market, developing sophisticated, hand made versions of the combs. These are traditionally marked by unique materials, including material from the sea like mother of pearl, and 3d printed combs utilizing unique and expensive materials.

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