[MACS199] Innovation Illinois: From Accessible Design to Supercomputing Cultures - S2018

Readings and Schedule

Class Schedule

Week 1

Monday, March 12: Course Introduction// Land Grant Readings

Readings (for in-class reference only, not assigned):
Due March 14:
Wednesday, March 14: DRES

Required Readings:
Due March 26:

Week 2

Spring Break

Week 3

Monday, March 26: BCL

Required Readings:Due March 28: 

Summarize the main points of the readings for next class in describing what makes for good storytelling.

Wednesday, March 28: Introduction to Logging and Storytelling Basics

In class: Introduction of footage logging and video editing basics with Kate LaBore, CITL; discussion on interviewing and storytelling basics  

Required Readings:
Due April 2:

Week 4

Monday, April 2: Project 500

In class: Review of assigned footage; discussion of Project 500

Required Readings:
Due April 4:

Wednesday, April 4: Digital Production on Campus Innovation 

In class: Discussion of assigned and other digital archive projects

Required Readings:
Due April 9:

Project proposal

Week 5

Monday, April 9: PLATO/ Student Life and Culture Archives visit

Required Readings:
Due April 11:

Wednesday, April 11: Technocultural Futurisms Symposium, iHotel

Due April 16:

Week 6

Monday, April 16: 90s Innovations

In class: Discussion of assigned readings, sign-ups for a meeting slot during class time for our next section, wrap-up exercise on course readings, themes, and discussions

Required Readings:
Wednesday, April 18: Individual Project Meetings

Sign up for individual meetings for proposed project feedback (No class)

Week 7

Monday, April 23: DRES visit and ILLIAC exhibit visit

Due April 25: 

Explain how the DRES building narrates the legacy of DRES. What stories stood out to you the most and why? What surprised you the most out of the range of topics covered? Include at least three images (which do not count toward the page/word count for your post) from the DRES building to illustrate your points.

Wednesday, April 25: Spurlock Museum visit

Due April 30: 

Week 8

Monday, April 30: Free Class to Work on Final Projects

Due May 2: Final project and final paper

Wednesday, May 2: Final Project Presentations

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