Location, Space, and Women In Jazz

Rubric and Self Evaluation

To generically evaluate a Scalar digital humanities project, we determined that one must consider both the research project and the product designed to display the research project. We broke the Scalar project rubric into two categories: 1) The Project Itself and 2) The Virtual Medium. We believe this would most effectively evaluate a Scalar project because the research process and website design process are two exclusive veins within Scalar. Evaluating each component separately allows an individual to discern where the project was a success or failure. Furthermore, a successful Scalar project would derive from a successful research process and a successful design of the virtual medium through which the research is presented. A Scalar project could, feasibly, have a flawless research design and execution but fail in the virtual representation of the research. This could lead to an unsuccessful Scalar project. So, by breaking these projects into these two categories, we allow individuals to detect which component of the Scalar DH Project lead to the failure or success of the project.



Upon comparing our Scalar Project with our rubric scale, we aligned mostly with category 4’s—outstanding. While there were many glitches within the medium of Scalar itself regarding layouts and aesthetics, we found that within our information itself and our eventual display of it that we were above proficient in our delivery.


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