LGBTQ+ Representation in Cinema

Case Studies

While LGBTQ+ representation may be more common now, the issue of how these characters or topics are represented need to be analyzed. It's one thing to represent a person in a film, but how they're represented is just as important. For the sake of this project I've decided to focus on two topics. The first topic is race and culture and the second is authenticity. Race and culture deals more with an issue within the LGBTQ+ community being portrayed on-screen while authenticity looks at the choice of portraying an LGBTQ+ character with an actor who doesn't identify with the community. I wanted these case studies to reflect issues faced within the industry and the LGBTQ+ community itself. 

These case studies are not meant to prove that Hollywood or Indie cinema is negatively portraying LGBTQ+ characters within the context of race and culture or authenticity. They are meant to provide character or topic analysis within the films. The films chosen for these case studies were chosen due to their high box office gross and inclusion of an LGBTQ+ character who passes the Vito Russo Test. 

The Vito Russo Test is divided into three parameters as listed below

1. The film contains a character who is identifiably gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.

2. That character must not be solely or predominantly defined by their sexual orientation or gender identity. (They need to have their own traits.

3. The LGBT character must be tied into the plot in such a way that their removal would have a significant effect.

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