Keywords for Rhetoric and Communication Studies

Workshop: Audacity

Audacity is a great tool for recording and editing audio. We recommend using Audacity rather than editing and recording in iMovie.


You can record audio using your own computer. One way to get better audio is to use headphones that take audio as in put (ex. Apple headphones) or you can use a booth in the TLC.

Things to consider when recording:

If you want to import audio, go to "File"-> "Import" -> "Audio".  Supported file formats included .wav and .mp3. Some audio comes in protected file formats and may not upload.

Now you have a track!

You can then layer tracks. When you export, it will collapse all of the tracks into one file.

Things to be watch for:

Once you have audio, you can edit!


A great place to play around is the "Effect" menu. When testing your audio, make sure your computer volume is around 50%.  Some options that will probably be the most helpful are:

How to save?

Create a folder on your desktop to maintain your files. This will  (1) help keep your audio organized and (2) zip the file and save it to Box so that you can transport the audio across computers. (Note: Audacity won't let you save an empty project, so you'll need at least a bit of audio to say the project in the folder.)

The default will be .aup (audacity project).  It creates two pieces .aup and a folder. You need to keep both connected in order for them to work.  This is great if you want to keep editing.

For most though, you'll just need the audio and won't be looking to edit. Go go to File -> Export ->  select type.   We recommend using "WAV"   and 32-bit because it is the most universal format. (Note: Mp3 reduces your sound file.)   You can add metadata if you'd like, but this is unnecessary for our purposes.

When in doubt, save!