Introduction to Digital Humanities

Intersectional Digital Humanities

In their introduction to the edited volume Bodies of Information: Intersectional Feminism and Digital Humanities, Elizabeth Losh and Jaqueline Wernimont write:

By emphasizing the material, situated, contingent, tacit, embodied, affective, labor-intensive, and political characteristics of digital archives and their supporting infrastructures and practices... feminist theorists are also expressing their concerns about present-day power relations and signifying interest in collective and communal consciousness-raising efforts.

Consider how digital archives connect past histories with present-day concerns and the role that intersectional analysis can play in this work as you read Michelle Schwarz and Constance Crompton's contribution to the edited volume.

Annotation #12

Schwartz, Michelle and Constance Crompton, “Remaking History: Lesbian Feminist Historical Methods in the Digital Humanities” In Losh, Elizabeth, and Jacqueline Wernimont, eds. Bodies of Information Intersectional Feminism and the Digital Humanities. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019. Hypothesis link.

Assignment #11 (For Topics 11 and 12)

Draw on the readings and discussions from the last two class sessions to finish revising your DH project or tool review (Assignments # 1 or 2) incorporating postcolonial and intersectional perspectives. 

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