[MACS199] Innovation Illinois: From Accessible Design to Supercomputing Cultures - F2017

[MACS199] Innovation Illinois: From Accessible Design to Supercomputing Cultures - F2017

Class time and location: Mondays and Wednesdays, 1-4PM - Allen Hall, Room 151 (105 W. Gregory Drive)
Prof. Anita Say Chan, achan@illinois.edu

Office: ICR, 228 Gregory Hall, Room 235//Office hours: TBA

Course Description

Want to learn about UIUC history and the innovations that came from it? Innovation Illinois introduces the histories of interdisciplinary innovations from the Urbana-Champaign campus that bridged students and researchers in engineering, humanities, sciences and the arts. We will explore how local histories of Illinois innovations help us understand today’s innovation trends and processes, from the growth of new design centers on university campuses to contemporary accessibility design, online education, and electronic music. As part of a final research project, students will be introduced to the basics of video editing and team produce a short-form video using a variety of primary sources, from interviews and news media to materials drawn from the University Archives.

Readings and Schedule
Final Project Details

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