Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"You'll Be Back"

Cast: King George III, Ensemble

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 348, Words Counted Once: 126
Most common Words: "You'll" (7 times), "Love" (5 times), "George" (4 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 331, Words Counted Once: 118
Most Common Words: "You'll" (7 times), "Love" (5 times), "Remember" (4 times) 

In the introduction to King George III, he informs the audience and the characters of the play, how he is the superior person and that they will all come crawling back to him when their plans fail. Although it is someone what of a threat, the King is able to be over dramatic as he warns the others of what is to come. He may not be the main antagonist, but he sure is not a good guy. 

"You'll" is the most common word because King George is warning and soon threatening the people, so by using "You'll it is the direct address that "you will" do this because bad things will happen. From there the words "love" and "remember" and even "George" all progress the story of the song. The words themselves are a huge warning to whoever listens, but it is done in such an over the top fashion that it breaks up some of the seriousness that is about to come. By using the most powerful character (I mean he is the King) as a sarcastic joke that prances around the stage, it breaks up the serious historical situations.

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC