Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"Wait For It"

Cast: Aaron Burr, ensemble

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 567, Words Counted Once: 163
Most common Words: "Wait" (41 times), "Takes" (15 times), "Burr" (13 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 538, Words Counted Once: 158
Most Common Words: "Wait" (41 times), "Takes" (15 times), "I'm" (12 times) 

In "Wait For It" the audience receives insight to Aaron Burr's logic and why he is fighting so hard to make his own legacy. Like Alexander, Aaron grew up without parents, and although he is currently seeing a married girl, his love of his parent’s legacy and for Theodosia, the girl, make all of the struggles with Alexander Hamilton worth the wait. If Hamilton can do it than Aaron Burr believes he can too. 

Aaron Burr also repeats himself a lot in this song because each time it is sung it allows the words to sink deeper and deeper. At the start of the song it is more like Burr is just saying his thoughts about life, but as he continues to use the words "wait" and "takes" it starts to frustrate him like out of all the sets of cards to be dealt in life, he was given this one. But when as he repeats "wait for it" and the ensemble joins in with the same phrase, allows the audience to see Burr reassure himself that he can create legacy he so desperately desires. 

It is fascinating that in the third most common word stop is "Burr" and "I'm" because they go hand-in-hand. This song is specific to Aaron Burr because it is almost like a musical monologue that allows the audience to understand why Burr fights Hamilton. They both are living in an individualistic society (hence the word “I’m") while desiring to make their own legacy in the line of government. Naturally there is competition between the two and this allows the audience to see life from Burr's side. I believe this song gets at the audience because the lyrics tell a story of one man who cannot control the love he has lost in life, but he wants to make his name last in some way or another. It is a play on natural human emotion. Now it may not be the extent that Burr is facing, but it can be very hard to push forward when there is so much tragedy in one's life. The normally composed Burr showed his true colors and invite the audience to continue to wait for whatever destiny or legacy they will create in their own lives.  

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC