Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"The Adams Administration"

Cast: Aaron Burr, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 142, Words Counted Once: 97
Most common Words: "Burr" (6 times), "Hamilton" (5 times), "Adams" (3 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 130, Words Counted Once: 93
Most Common Words: "Hamilton" (4 times), "Adams" (3 times), "President" (3 times) 

This short song has Jefferson, Madison, and Burr tell of how ever since Hamilton's affair he has started mouthing off and getting himself in trouble. Jefferson is happy because his competition is no longer there and Hamilton is digging his own grave. Hamilton is slowly trashing his own reputation and everyone, including the audience is left to watch and listen. 

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC