Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"Stay Alive"

Cast: Eliza (Schuyler) Hamilton, Angelica Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton, George Washington, John Laurens, Marquis de Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, General Lee, Ensemble

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 474, Words Counted Once: 262
Most common Words: "Hamilton" (21 times), "Washington" (16 times), "Lee" (11 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words: 415, Words Counted Once: 256
Most Common Words: "Lee" (5 times), "Sir" (5 times), "Stay" (5 times)

The whole team is back at war! Now that Hamilton is now Washington's assistant they try another attack this time with Laurens, Lafayette, Mulligan and the newly arrived General Lee. They all realize the intense level of fighting and how out armed/out men-ed they are compared to the British. Not to mention they all disagree with General Lee's way of fighting because Hamilton believes he is an incompetent leader. For example when Washington makes the order to "attack" Lee responds with "flee". So Laurens challenges Lee to a duel. 

The lyrics to this song are hauntingly beautiful and supply the audience with the sense of tension until the very end. As the fighting escalates, both Angelica and Eliza are in the background repeated "stay alive" almost acting as Alexander's conscious to remind him why he is fighting. There is a lot of conversational type language used (that is why the number count isn't drastically different), but the fact that the top three words are "Hamilton", "Washington" and "Lee" show that three of these men are the ones running this song. Although Hamilton and Washington seem to be on the same side, Lee is being the problem child in calling the faulty orders. Even in the version of the lyrics without the names "Lee" is still up there meaning that he is even a popular conversation topic that is addressed with the name "Sir" because technically Washington and Lee are both above Hamilton. 

This song is incredibly action packed and contributes to the high tensions that the audience wants making them want to cheer as Hamilton and the others fight for their right. It is a reason why this show is so popular because it is actors reenacting a famously historical battle but with song and dance.

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC