Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"Say No To This"

Cast: Aaron Burr, Alexander Hamilton, Maria Reynolds, Ensemble, James Reynolds

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 715, Words Counted Once: 243 
Most common Words: "Say" (27 times), " Hamilton" (25 times), "Maria" (16 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words:644, Words Counted Once:240
Most Common Words: "Say" (27 times), "Don't" (14 times), "Yes" (10 times)

After Eliza, Angelica and Philip leave for vacation, Alexander continues to work. But Aaron Burr introduces the song that a life change is about to happen. Then Hamilton explains how a women by the name of Maria Reynolds shows up asking for help to get back home. Hamilton (being the supposed upstanding man he is) helps her, until she "turned red, lead me to her bed, let her legs spread". He prays that he will be able to "say" no and resist this women because he has a wife and family, not to mention is a government official. The two end up meeting several times over the same to do the same thing. One day Hamilton receives a letter from James Reynolds saying how Hamilton has been seeing his wife and that he does not pay him, he will tell everyone including Eliza. Hamilton agrees and gives him the money. 

The song really plays on the simple use of the words "yes" and "no". It raises the risks of the situation because Hamilton can either go for it or not. People do crazy things when they are exhausted and in this case Hamilton did Maria. One aspect about Alexander that is well portrayed in the lyrics is that he often makes many mistakes, but he does have his weak moments where the audience gets to witness even the terrible things he did. There is this notion in history that the founding fathers were all good people, but Alexander is simply trying to do the best he can and make right for his legacy. I think that is a constant desire for humans. 

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC