Hamming it up: Analyzing the Lyrics of "Hamilton"

"Cabinet Battle #1"

Cast: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton

Lyrics with Character Names: Total Words: 662, Words Counted Once: 334  
Most common Words: "Hamilton" (16 times), "Washington" (13 times), "Jefferson" (12 times)
Lyrics without Character Names: Total Words:623, Words Counted Once: 331 
Most Common Words: "Don't" (9 times), "Plan" (6 times), "Hamilton" (5 times)

Now that both sides have been introduced, in a classic rap battle, Thomas "Jefferson" and Alexander "Hamilton" go toe-to-toe on the efficiency of Hamilton's plan of state debt  and national banks. Jefferson (with the help of James Madison as the hype man) comes out on top after Hamilton basically tells him to shove it. Washington (the moderator) tells the two to take a walk. As he walks away Jefferson and Madison taunt him like children. Washington tells Hamilton to get it together and "figure it out". 

 In act 1, the characters were dealing with a physical war, but in this song (and this act) the characters are dealing with a battle of inelegance and popularity in the government setting. I find it funny that the top three names are in that order because the song is all about "Hamilton" VS "Jefferson" with "Washington" mediating the two. It is songs like this that are different from any traditional way of teaching these historical meetings. Instead of it being a room of white men talking about money, it is talented actors having a rap battle about a to do or not to do a government “plan”with low-key insults. It is fascinating how interesting history becomes when it is taught in a unusual way and how people many people will continue to listen to it in order to understand exactly what is going on. 

Back to Coggle Hamilton character mind map: https://coggle.it/diagram/WNMHd-Ej5QAB6iqC