FemTechNet Critical Race & Ethnic Studies Pedagogy Workbook


The Critical Race and Ethnic Studies Committee (CRES) of FemTechNet is composed of a handful of graduate students, post-docs, librarians, and alt-ac professionals. It is conversations arising in committee meetings, the FemTechNet Summer Workshops, and the FemTechNet list-serve that has shaped the workbook as it appears today. The contributors listed below have volunteered their time and expertise to design and curate the pages included therein. 

The question of labor and recognition are central to the organizing conversations involved in the design of this book. These are ongoing. This workbook has underscored citation as one part of the attempt to acknowledge the collective work of scholars within the FemTechNet network and beyond. 

Anne Cong-Huyen 

Genevieve Carpio 

Sarmista (Sharm) Das 

George Hoagland

Michael Mirer

Veronica Paredes

Amanda Phillips

Christofer Rodelo 

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