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Food Justice

Food and Society Workshop, Author

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(1) Food Justice work that's going on in the Twin Cities now (now as of mid 20 teens, although these remain important influences and ongoing organizations!)

This is not a comprehensive overview, but just a quick introduction to a
few organizations to provide a sense of the excellent work going on --
so that we're not falling into the mistake of making it seem like we're
*inventing* or on the cutting edge of this work (or that we're trying to
claim credit for work that these organizations have been doing for

The Community Meal map: built by Seitu Jones and a group of collaborators over the many years process around September's Create the Community Meal,
this is a great example of an attempt to make food knowledge available
and usable in a community, and to support this knowledge sharing with
community events (it's also been a really great example of challenging
people to understand where food systems ARE being made better & more
just, for example, by conversations about how many of the much-vilified
fast food franchises in the neighborhood are owned by really supportive
community members -- and what it would take to have those be better
food system actors)

Dream of Wild Health: a 30 acre American Indian organic farm, where youth and communities learn Native ways of growing food and living healthy lives

Appetite for Change
: a food justice nonprofit in North Minneapolis, using food as a tool for health, wealth, and social change

Center for Earth, Energy, and Democracy:
working at the intersection of energy, environment and community
development to develop solutions that are democratic, sustainable and
socially just -- conducting collaborative research and education so that
all members of society may effectively participate in public
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