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Food Justice

Food and Society Workshop, Author

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(2.) brief summaries of what food justice means and how to practice it

Food Justice issue brief
This outline provides a brief overview of how food justice practices
build an equitable food system, why food justice is useful, and how food
justice is being practiced in Minnesota. This outline was built out of a
series of conversations between people involved in food work in
Minnesota hosted by the AgriFood Collaborative at the University of
Minnesota, with the writing of the outline facilitated by Rachel Slocum,
with the assistance of Tracey Deutsch, Stephen Carpenter, and Valentine

IATP food justice work and issue brief on agroecology and the right to food
This Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy document about food
security, food sovereignty, and assessing policy options for agroecology
was prepared by Shiney Varghese and Karen Hansen-Kuhn based on
consultations with a number of partners and individuals involved in
advancing agroecology around the world, including Grassroots
International, International Development Exchange, Focus on the Global
South, More and Better, and Third World Network.

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