Field Guides to Food

Migrant Farmworkers in South-Central Minnesota: Farmworker-Led Research and Action for Change (report)

This report presents research revealing the conditions under which migrant farmworkers live and work, as well as action beginning in the late nineties to fight injustices against migrant farmworkers. This introduces the conditions leading up to the action group Centro Campesino. 

180 farmworkers participated in this study, of which 91% were hired by a crew leader through contract and more likely to be forced to pay for expenses such as equipment, housing or rides (See page 3) on top of low wages and horrible living conditions (See Page 4).

Minnesota's economy benefits from these farmworkers (explained on page 5, last column), and in 1999 Centro Campesino was formed to fight for farmworkers' rights. The next page in this module is an interview with the current director of Centro Campesino and the group's current actions (2012).

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