Field Guides to Food

How To Guide: Adding Media

Images, Video, PDF’s, Reports, Sound Files

  1. Go to the dashboard by clicking the “dashboard” link on the upper right corner of the page
  2. Select the tab for “Media”
  3. “Import Pages” dropdown: select the type of media you are going to import- The options are either using a URL or uploading a local file.
    1. Local files are limited to 2mg in size. See image below for the guidelines.
  4. Add a Title- This is what you will see in the index of pages and media
  5. Add a description- This is for the background user or editor of the page, it will not show up to the public.
  6. Add the URL or other information needed to link the media
  7. There are additional options for making a piece of media a pathway, a comment, an annotation, a tag.
  8. Add a tag by clicking next to “this page is tagged by the following tags” and select the appropriate tag(s).
  9. Embed the knowledge source assessment. Instructions are on the Knowledge Source Assessment page.
  10. Be the first to fill out the knowledge source assessment so others know why this is important to you.
  11. Select “Save”
  12. Editors: Add each page and media you add or create to the Scalar Central Tracking page of the Knowledge Source Assessment spreadsheet
  13. If you are wanting to write comments specifically about the media page, you can either create an introductory page that is before the media page on the pathway OR you can create an annotation page that annotates the media page.
    1. Here is an example of an annotation page for a media page:

This is an example of the guideslines for uploading files:
import local files options.PNG

This page has paths: