Field Guides to Food

Food Access: Linking Geography, Poverty, and Hunger in the U.S.

Curated by: Tahsha LePage


This module discusses access to food based upon geographical and economic circumstances. Mapping programs can help identify geographical access to food. There has been a link between impoverished areas and food availability which suggests a correlation between poverty and food access. This phenomena is not restricted to urban areas, affecting rural communities as well. It is also important to consider what KIND of foods are available and the effects these relationships have on health.


This path explores problems and solutions dealing with food access. A video interview with Daniel Block introduces the topic. The Northside Healthy Eating Project discusses problems with access to healthy foods including several maps in the appendix. A simplified visualization of how maps can assist in locating food access issues can be found in the Frogtown Summit University: Food, Health and Wellness map. The launch of the Twin Cities Mobile Market is 2014 was a response to alleviate problems with healthy food access. In a switch from an urban to the rural community, Harry Baulisch discusses similar problems with food access in rural towns.

In what ways would you propose to improve food access and how would your plan benefit the community?

Contents of this path: