Division of Instruction

Building Student Agency by Personalizing Teaching Practices


Ms. Cardenas teaches 9th-grade Teen Health at Bravo Medical Magnet High School. This is her second year using the Learning Management System (LMS), Schoology. She stated that creating personalized teaching practices within the LMS gives students ownership of their own learning, “allowing students to really focus on themselves” and what they need to accomplish in order to be successful.  This is her story on how the LMS is used to personalize instruction and build student agency.

Learning Management System audience for this example: 


Personalization Example:

100% Graduation is Supported by:

And this is why:
Ms. Cardenas uses the Learning Management System to foster student agency where students take ownership of their learning. Students develop an understanding of how to achieve their personal goals of acquiring skills and behaviors; to become healthy individuals and incorporate these behaviors in their lives beyond Bravo Medical Magnet. All her students are provided with equitable access to her curriculum 24/7. Ms. Cardenas uses the LMS to maintain a rigorous environment and create clear expectations for students and parents.

ISTE Standards Alignment:

And this is why:
Ms. Cardenas is using the LMS to personalize her students’ learning environments and to support each student’s learning process. Students have constant access to class resources, material, and assignments without the barriers of time and place. Students in Ms. Cardenas class are achieving their goals by taking ownership of their own learning and being informed of their progress throughout the semester.

Next Steps:

Ms. Cardenas’s next step includes creating discussions where students can interact, communicate and post their opinions using interactive materials while teaching them how to be responsible digital citizens when posting comments.

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