Digital Humanities Research Institute: Binghamton 2019


with Nancy Um

Georectification is a process that allows for an image of a map to be referenced to a spatial grid. This process is useful for those who wish to integrate historic maps into their digital projects. In this workshop, we will georectify a historic map, export the georectified file, and then discuss ways in which these georectified maps can be integrated with other types of data on some of the platforms that we have already worked with, including Tableau and ArcGIS online. This session will not require any downloads, but will require that the participants register to use certain free platforms. This workshop has drawn from the information provided in the following excellent tutorials:

Using the Map Warper

This workshop uses the New York Public Library Map Warper, which allows us to draw from the rich collection of digitized maps that the library holds. Please note that these maps are public and that your control points and georectified maps will be available to other users of this resource.

Exporting your Warped Map

Warp your own Map

Using your warped Map in ArcGIS Online or Tableau

In order to use your georectified map in ArcGIS online or Tableau, you will need to export your georectified image as a GeoTIFF. Then, you will have to upload it to a web-based mapping platform, like Mapbox, which will transform it into a raster image and host it. Unfortunately, neither ArcGIS online or Tableau will allow you to upload a GeoTIFF directly to their interfaces. 

Using Georectified Maps in

You can also use your georectified map in, which is a tool to publish interactive maps to the web. Follow the directions provided in this tutorial for more instructions:

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