Counterculture in the 1960's

The Acid Tests

The Acid Tests were a series of gatherings conducted by Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters along with the Grateful Dead where LSD would be taken. Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters would travel throughout California and gather groups of countercultural youth to sell LSD to and “put on various art performances" as they traveled around on a psychedelically painted bus known as “Further.” Ken Kesey initially experimented with LSD in one of the “CIA’s secret trials,” then he began to “steal LSD, and invite his friends to try acid at his home.” (pbs) His goal with the Acid Tests was to allow LSD to be more readily "accessible to the general public,” and “promised psychological, social, and other kinds of liberations.” As part of the countercultural movement, this allowed for more minds to expand towards their views concerning U.S. imperialism, equality, and conformity. The tests also played a major role in developing the new form of psychedelic art that was derived from taking LSD. (Cahn 2015)

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