Themes of Death Depicted in Electronic Literature

Depiction of Death

Everybody Dies has its own representation of death, an almost cruel depiction. When the player's current character dies, the player is sent to the void. The void consists of changing images relating to the fish within a another fish first found by Graham, the first character. After the set of images finishes, the player is reborn in another character. However, like the picture of a fish within a fish, the player's last character is also trapped inside.

The reason this is almost cruel is because as each character dies they visit the void and they become trapping in the next, and then the next creating a Russian Nesting Doll affect giving false hope of another chance at life until everyone dies. Each visit to the void the images change where there the images extend to having more fish within each within another until all dead characters become part of the host, the current character. As seen in the image, the last character is now within the current character and is quite confused at the situation. All the dead characters and the current character may communicate and the dead characters may take control of the host to perform certain actions in an attempt to solve circumstances they are in and survive.

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