Citizen Brown: Race, Democracy, and Inequality in the St. Louis Suburbs


This gallery includes photographs from the collections of the State Historical Society of Missouri, the Kirkwood Historical Society, and other sources.  It includes early images of Elmwood Park, including Elmwood Park School, 1922, Robert Tutt, Elmwood Park, ca 1920, and Elmwood Park class, 1929 House; and a series of photographs taken just before redevelopment in the mid-1960s: Elmwood Park, circa 1965Ramshackle house, Elmwood Park, circa 1965Small child and house, Elmwood Park, circa 1965Junkyard, Elmwood Park, circa 1965House and yard, Elmwood Park, circa 1965House and car, Elmwood Park, circa 1965,Elmwood Park, 6th Grade Class, 1960.  Images from Meacham Park include Mary Payne, Meacham Park, ca 1920J. Milton Turner School, Meacham Park, Meacham Park YMCA, 1951Meacham Park aerial, 1955House in Meacham Park, circa 1966Small house in Meacham Park, circa 1966, Working on a house in Meacham Park, circa 1966 , and Sewer Construction at River Des Peres, 1922.

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