Hit or Miss: Student Safety at Case Western Reserve University

Development of Emergency Phones and Code Blue Phones

The emergency phones on campus were able to be used for both emergency and routine purposes. The phones were equipped with panic buttons which immediately identified the callers location to the Central Security Dispatch. The Code Blue phones were similar, but they produce a blue, ringing emergency light that scare off any potential attackers. 

In 2000, the campus's Code Blue phones increased to 56 from 17 and emergency phones increased to more than 150, meaning Case added 69 new phones for students around campus.[3]

For a map of the phones, please refer to the last page this pdf of the Annual Security Report of 2002.

In the fourth page of the Annual Security Report of 2010, you can see where administration added addition emergency phones, creating a total of about 280 campus phones for students to use. 

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