Malamud at Oregon State: A Digital Humanities Project

Malamud Letter Network: Letters

Several hundred of Malamud's letters are housed here. Our project is primarily focused on finding new ways to understand Malamud by looking at these letters from a distance, so the metadata connected to each letter is just as important as the content of the letters themselves. This metadata describes where letters were sent from, who sent and received the letter, whether the letter was typewritten or handwritten, and the provenance of the letter - which archive currently holds the physical letter. In the future, we hope to add relationship status detailing how each correspondent knew Malamud, using categories such as "family," "friend," "publisher," "fan," and "university administration." We could then use this data to color the network nodes and graph pins to better show clusters of correspondents; hypothetically, these colors could show that Malamud's publishing contacts were all based in New York, while his fans were spread out across the nation.

This page contains a path with all of Malamud's correspondents for which we have letters. Click through to a specific correspondent to find another path with all of the letters sent by the contact to Malamud, and in some occasions, to other correspondents that are also part of the letter network. Correspondents that were historically significant enough to leave a digital, Internet-searchable record also have short biographies and often include headshot images.

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