Digital History Seminar: 20th Century Spain

Writing Guidelines

Web Writing

The chart below, developed by Jason Steinhauer as part of the History Communication initiative, provides a good overview of how to write for the web.


Hyperlinks can be added to provide project users with relevant research materials housed elsewhere on the web. Relevant research materials may include documentary evidence, cultural expressions, and scholarly works. Before adding a hyperlink, assess the credibility and stability of the website. All hyperlinks added to this project should open in a different window, so be sure to click the "open in a new browser window" box when adding a link.

Citation Style

The citation style for this project is Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition. Please consult the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition Guide and use Zotero to organize and format your references. 


To create a footnote add a bracketed number (sequential by page) at the end of the relevant sentence. Highlight the bracket and add your reference information (full note style) using scalar's note function [1].  We will collaboratively create a bibliography for the thematic exhibits at the end of the course.

Spanish Names 

The first time you introduce an organization or party, write the original name in Spanish in italics with the acronym (if there is one) in parenthesis and an english translation (before or after). For example: "The Spanish Communist party, Partido Comunista de EspaƱa (PCE)..." Afterwards you can alternate between the acronym and the English. For reference, consult the glossaries in The Spanish Civil War: A Very Short Introduction (167-168) and After the Civil War: Making Memory and Re-Making Spain Since 1936 (366-368).

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