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The Walter White Project

Randy Stakeman, Jackson Stakeman, Authors

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Walter White goes to the New York NAACP

When he arrived at the NAACP the association was anchored by two giants:W.E.B DuBois, history's foremost black scholar and publisher of the organization's mouthpiece magazine, and hismentor James Weldon Johnson who had an amazing career as diplomat, poet,novelist, songwriter and first black executive leader of the NAACP.

For the next decade and a half of his life you can go down several alternative paths. All paths lead back to this one so you can go down them or skip to the next stage of his life.

One path demonstrates his organizational skill by showing him hitting the hustings to build branches of the organization around the country. This part shows the organization's beginnings and White's role in turning the organization into a member supported one that reached a predominantly African American audience.

There is a path about the association's and White's personal campaign against lynching

Another path concerns the entrance of the association into national politics as a lobbying group and the formation of a legal defense fund to change black life through the judiciary. It discusses the NAACP's battles against discrimination in the United States throughout the 1920's.

The other path talks about White's influence on rising artists and writers of the what came to be known as the Harlem Renaissance.

Anti-lynching path

Issues in the 1920's path

Walter White and the Harlem Renaissance

Continue on Walter White Biography path
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