
#75, no time for fools

I write and post this #100hardtruths on April Fool’s Day, 2017. Given this effort’s focus on deception, fakery, falsity, the untrue, the almost true, trickery, slander, and shams of all sorts, it would seem a near imperative for me to today engage in some mild mockery or corny contrivance. However, one of the things that I’ve noted about my own daily practice—particularly at today’s other milestone as I round the final bend into my fourth quartile—is that across this effort I haven’t had much time or heart for fools (except for, perhaps, myself).
It’s not that the internet hasn’t had the time. Nor that I don’t find some pleasure or knowledge in such ironic efforts. As I have written in earlier work on fake documentary, it is true that satire and irony, tricks and ploys, can sometimes serve as distancing devices that produce telling affect, knowledge, and/or self-awareness about the sacred cows they try to topple, or at least attempt to allow us to see with more clarity or truth.
But my own daily practice—#75 objects and 41 days in—is another thing. Occurring in real time, and therefore necessarily intuitive, responsive, reactive, and under-pressure, I find that I have been decidedly serious, pronouncedly productive, sometimes evenembarrassingly sincere. First of all, I have been trying (self-awaredly stuck as I am in the very digital form and space that I critique) to focus my efforts on the links between #fakenews and #realviolence, between #socialmedia and #therealworld. The stakes seem very high.
But as critically, I find that my daily practice has produced, for me, in the experiencing of it, yet another set of linked #100hardtruths that make foolery less attractive for me as a personal mode for this online engagement (and to be clear, I am well aware of the verbaland visual puns that litter this effort), and instead lock me into a self-prescribed digital practice of ever darker self-criticism:
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